Aparna Joshi, Ph.D.
the science of relating across differences and forging positive change in and around Organizations
Aparna Joshi is an award winning organizational scholar who studies the science of how human beings recognize, respond to, and then relate to one another across differences. Her research highlights how leaders can transcend differences to forge positive change in and around organizations.
Aparna Joshi is a Professor of Management at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Prior to joining Michigan Ross she was on the faculty of the Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University and at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.
Over the past twenty years, Aparna's research has focused on how social differences translate into inequality with a specific focus on gender inequality across a range of professional settings such as among scientists, lawyers, engineers and chief executives. In these occupational contexts, although women and minorities have made significant human capital gains, fundamental barriers to future progress remain. Her research aims at building actionable theoretical models that can inform practices aimed at reducing barriers and enhancing inclusion in these settings.
Aparna's research appears in the leading journals in the field of management including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Organization Science. Her work in the area of gender dynamics in engineering work groups also recieved a National Science Foundation grant.
In 2014 Aparna was awareded the prestigious Cummings Award for Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement, one of the highest professional honors in the field, by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management and she was appointed a Fellow of the Academy of Management in 2019. She has also been featured on Stanford’s list of the top 2% of research scientists in the world.Her work has also received the Academy of Management’s Saroj Parasuraman Award in 2010, the Dorothy Harlow Distinguished Paper Award in 2006 and 2008, and the Academy of Management’s Best Dissertation Award (Gender and Diversity in Organizations division) and has also been featured in numerous media outlets.
Aparna has served on the editorial boards of top journals and as an Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Journal as well as the Administrative Science Quarterly.
Over the past two decades Aparna has also enjoyed working with a number of doctoral students who are today faculty at top business schools all over the world (click on "Graduate Students" to learn more).
Google Scholar page
From the c-suite to professional services firms and engineering teams, our research has examined how leaders can recognize, relate across and transcend differences.
a selected set of research publications is listed below:
1. Joshi,A. Oh S., DesJardine, M. 2024. A New Perspective on Gender Bias in the Upper Echelons: Why Stakeholder Variability Matters, Academy of ManagementReview, 49 (2) 322-343. https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2021.0131
2. Dang,C, & Joshi., A. 2023. On The Politics and Plurality of Ally Work: Liberalism and self,relational, and organizational ally work. Academy of Management Journal, 2023, Vol. 66, No. 5, 1554-1585.https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2021.0999
3. Rheinhardt,A. Briscoe, F., Joshi. A. 2023. Organization-as-Platform Activism: Theory and
Evidence from the National Football League 'Take a Knee' Movement. AdministrativeScience Quarterly., 68 (2), 395-428. https://doi.org/10.1177/00018392221148725
4. Johnson, J., Joshi., A., & Kreiner, G. 2022. Bridgework: A Model of Brokering Relationships Across Social Boundaries in Organizations, Organization Science, In Press5.Dwivedi, P., Misangyi, V. F., & Joshi, A. (2021). “Burnt by the spotlight”: How leadership endorsements impact the longevity of female leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol 106(12), Dec 2021, 1885-1906
6.Joshi, A., Hambrick, D., & Kang J. 2020. The generativity mindsets of Chief Executive Officers: A new perspective on succession outcomes, Academy of Management Review, 46(2), 385-405
7. Johnson, T., Joshi, A., & Hogan, T. 2020. On the front lines of disclosure: A conceptual framework of stigma disclosure events, Organizational Psychology Review, In Press.
8. Dwivedi, P., Joshi, A. & Misangyi V.F. 2018. Gender-inclusive gate-keeping: How (mostly) male predecessors can influence the success of female CEOs. Academy of Management Journal. 61(2), 379-404.
9.Briscoe, F., & Joshi, A. 2017. Bringing the boss’s politics in: Supervisor political ideology and the gender gap in earnings. Academy of Management Journal, In Press.
10. Johnson, J., & Joshi, A. 2016. Dark clouds or silver linings? A stigma threat perspective on the implications of an autism diagnosis for workplace well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology. 101(3):430-449.
11. Joshi, A., Son, J., & Roh, H. 2015. When can women close the gap? A meta-analytic test of sex differences in performance and rewards. Academy of Management Journal. 58(5):1516-1545.
12. Joshi A., & Knight A. 2015. Who defers to whom and why? Dual mechanisms linking demographic differences to dyadic deference and team effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal. 58: 59-84.
13. Joshi A. 2014. By whom and when is women’s expertise recognized? The interactive effects of gender and education in science and engineering teams. Administrative Science Quarterly. 59: 202-23
14. Gajendran, R., & Joshi, A. 2012. Innovation in globally distributed teams: The role of LMX, communication frequency, and member influence on team decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97:1252-1261
15. Joshi, A., Liao, H., & Roh, H. 2011. Bridging domains in workplace demography research: A review and reconceptualization. Journal of Management. 37: 521-552. Special Issue on Bridging Micro and Macro Domains in Organizational Research
16. Joshi, A., Dencker, J., Franz, G., & Martocchio. J. 2010. Unpacking generational identities in organizations. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 35, 392-414. Runner up for the Saroj Parusaraman Award, Best Published Paper in the area of Diversity, GDO Division
17. Joshi, A., Pandey, N., & Han G. 2009. Bracketing team boundary spanning: An examination of task-based, team-level, and contextual moderators. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 30: 731-759. Runner Up 2009 Best Paper in Journal of Organizational Behavior
18. Joshi, A., & Roh, H. 2009. The role of context in work team diversity research: A meta-analytic review. Academy of Management Journal. 52: 599-628. Winner of the Dorothy Harlow and Saroj Parasuraman awards.
19. Joshi, A., Lazarova, M., & Liao, H. 2009. Getting everyone on board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams. Organization Science. 20: 240-252
20. Liao, H., Chuang A., & Joshi A. 2008. Perceived deep level dissimilarity: Personality antecedents and impact on overall job attitudes, helping, work withdrawal and turnover. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 106:106-124.
21. Dencker, J., Joshi, A., & Martocchio, J. 2008. Towards a theoretical framework linking generational memories to workplace attitudes and behaviors. Human Resource Management Review. 18: 210-220.
22. Dencker, J., Joshi, A., & Martocchio, J. 2007. Employee benefits as a source of inter-generational conflict. Human Resource Management Review. 17:208-220.
23. Joshi, A. 2006. The influence of organizational demography on the external networking behavior of teams. Academy of Management Review. 31: 583-597.
24. Joshi, A., Liao, H., & Jackson, S.E. 2006. Cross-level effects of workplace diversity on sales performance and pay. Academy of Management Journal, 49: 459-481.
25. Liao, H., Joshi A., & Chuang, A. 2004. Sticking out like a sore thumb: Employee dissimilarity and deviance. Personnel Psychology. 57: 969-1000
26. Jackson, S.E. & Joshi A. 2004. Diversity in social context: A multi-attribute, multi-level analysis of team diversity and performance in a sales organization. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25: 675-702
27. Leonard, J., Levine, D., & Joshi A. 2004. Do birds of a feather shop together? The effects on performance of employees’ similarity with one another and with customers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25:731-754.
28. Jackson, S. E., Joshi, A., & Erhardt, N. L. 2003. Recent research on team and organizational diversity: SWOT analysis and implications. Journal of Management. 29: 801-830. Cited among the top 25 most highly read papers in the Journal of Managemen
29. Kochan, T., Bezrukova, K., Ely, R., Jackson, S., Joshi, A., Jehn, K., Leonard, J., Levine, D., and Thomas, D. 2003. The effects of diversity on business performance: Report of a feasibility study of the diversity research network. Human Resource Management Journal, 42: 3-21.
30. Gully, S., Incalcaterra, K., Joshi, A., & Beaubin, J. 2002. A meta-analysis of team-efficacy, potency, and performance: Interdependence and level of analysis as moderators of observed relationships. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87: 819-832.
31. Joshi, A., Labianca, G., & Caligiuri P. 2002. Getting along long distance: Understanding conflict in a multinational team through social network analysis. Journal of World Business. 37:277-284
32. Caligiuri, P.M., Joshi, A., & Lazarova M. 1999. Factors affecting the success of women on global assignments. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10: 163-179.
33. Caligiuri, P., Hyland, M., Joshi A., & Bross, A. 1998. Testing a theoretical model for examining the relationship between family adjustment and expatriates’ work adjustment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83: 598-614.
Graduate Students
Hyuntak Roh, Ph.D. Professor, Yonsei University
(Degree date: 2008)
Tiffany Johnson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
(Degree date: 2016)
Priyanka Dwivedi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
(Degree date: 2017)
Alexandra Rheinhardt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut
(Degree date: 2020)
Min Young Yoon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rider University
(Degree date: 2022)
Soojin Oh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong
(Degree date: 2023)
Sridhar Polineni, Doctoral Student, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
(Degree date: Expected 2029)
Research In the News
Celebrating Women's History Month
Joshi (2014) "By Whom and When is Women's Expertise Recognized" Featured in:
Administrative Science Quarterly's Virtual Special Issue on Gender Inequality:
Documenting Novel Mechanisms of Gender Inequality: A Decade of Exemplary Research on Gender
What Gen Z Wants: Creating the Inclusive Work Environment of the Future
(Aparna speaks on a Bloomberg News panel)
Three Recipes for Success for Female CEOs
(Dwivedi, Joshi, Misangyi, 2018: Key Insights)Four CEO Mindsets Can Affect Their Replacements’ Transitions
(Joshi, Hambrick, Kang, 2021: Key Insights)
2019 Fellow of the Academy of Management
2014 Cummings Award, Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award, OB Division, Academy of Management
2010 National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant #0964963 $281,835.00 Joshi, A. Unpacking the Effects of Demographic Diversity in Multidisciplinary Groups (sole PI), Innovations and Organizational Sciences Program, Division of Social and Economic Science
2010 Saroj Parasuraman Award for Best Published Paper in the Area of Diversity, Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, Canada: Joshi, A., & Roh, H. 2009. The role of context in work team diversity research: A meta-analytic review. Academy of Management Journal. 52: 599-628.
2008 Dorothy Harlow Distinguished Paper Award, Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA: Joshi A., & Roh., H. 2008. Considering context in work team diversity research: A meta-analytic review.
2007 OB Division’s Making Connections Award, Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Joshi A. 2007. How, where, and why diversity matters: A contextualized agenda for future research. Chair, organizer and presenter of panel symposium.
2006 Dorothy Harlow Distinguished Paper Award, Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta. Liao, H., Chuang, A., & Joshi, A. 2006. In the eye of the beholder: Understanding perceived dissimilarity.
2001 Gender and Diversity in Organization's Best Paper Based on a Dissertation Award, Academy of Management. Joshi, A. 2001. The context in which some differences make a difference: The influence of organizational demography on the outcomes of team diversity.
Professional Service
Associate Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2021-24
Board of Governors, Representative-at-large, Academy of Management, 2016-2019.
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Diversity at a Critical Juncture, Academy of Management Review, 2017
Associate Editor, Academy of Management Journal, 2013-2016
Editorial Board, Academy of Management Journal, 2010-2013
Editorial Board, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2010-2013
Co-Editor, Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 2009-2013
© 2019